Mind In Mind
Though the place was packed, our smiles aligned
Then the stranger spoke extracts of my mind
Turning points – his were mine, which is rare
What we’d loved, where we had dared
His candour graced with valour and tact
I sacked the devil’s advocate
We caught, in sync, a tumbling reveller and her chair for her
Mind in mind, we left them behind
Midnight is in our stride
We’ve paths to cross – old haunts jostle, they’ll collide
Standing there at square root of telecom tower
London’s ours, abstract at this hour
The tower turns – leans in to listen
To our words, our minds, as they solder, meld, glisten
The tower holds me in its realm
Knows I’m at risk of overwhelm
As he steals, reveals the end of my sentence
And neuron to neuron, we so stretch the tension
But these are flashback scenes
For I’ve returned to the fold of resistance machines
Yet we tested the firewall lest it go up in flames
We met again, he wouldn’t tell me his name
My turn – lone venture I flaunted, described
When the brass had pierced my heart, then flippant asides
He knew, twice he asked, but still I lied
Denied I’d wished him at my side
Silence saunters in and kicks away the cusp
For truths too true, oh we know the hush
Who to trust?
© Suzanna van Moyland